Jonathan le Guedard


Jonathan le Guédard's Mechagodzilla

Québec, Canada
Active StatusActive (as of 2024)
"I wanted to make it look like a cross between Kiryu and Mechagodzilla cause I really like both designs, but i also wanted something original that is kind of unique. My dad has been a Godzilla fan since he was a teenager. He really liked the face and style of the 1974 Mechagodzilla so I made it similar whith a more modern touch. I created and made the biggest sections of the suit but my dad helped a lot with the electronics like LED stripes, fans and glowing eyes."

– Jonathan le Guédard


Click the thumbnail image for the larger view… enjoy!


Mechagodzilla Suit in Action at Otakuthon 2023

According to Jonathan, the steps leading to the completion of the costume were detailed and long. However, as all could see, the results were definitively worth it. There were a lot of challenges, especially when making something this big. First the drafting of the costume had to be made. He had to design the mecha version of Godzilla, plan how the entire thing would look, and then how every piece should fit together in reality. This costume is a compilation of details. First, there’s the big frame, only after thatcan the smaller parts be added, which takes a lot of time and effort. The electronics for sound and lights are inside the costume too, and were also big challenges. Jonathan almost didn’t make it in time for the convention, but the resulting piece is, as the picture shows, truly amazing.


The impressive cosplay was even equipped with a Bluetooth system to broadcast music from the legendary Japanese film. It was also equipped with two fans to make it easier to breath, as well as to keep cool.


I started with drawings and sketches of the shape of the suit compared to a human body, it really helps me to imagine the size of the pieces I have to build.


I’ve keep working on this part so it gets better and stronger and started working on the back, had to add spacers cause of the huge gap between human boddy to MG shape.

Head and Torso

This was the beginning of a long journey, the first piece to be made. Here’s the chest, neck and head parts as one.


Since all the suit was going to be made out of foam mat I used Crocs for the inside of the feet as a shoe.

Dorsal Plates

At this point you can see that I added the back spine and spikes (dorsal plates) as well as other details on the suit.

Legs and Thighs

For the legs I off centered the inside of the structure so the large legs wouldn’t be too close one to another when walking. Then I added a hinge joint to connect the leg and the feet for a boot like shape.

Becoming Godzilla


Have you already completed your own Godzilla costume and want to feature it here? Then by all means contact me and we’ll work together to add your costuming experience to this site.