
This entire website is a resource for building your own Godzilla Costume but here are some more ways to learn. In this section you'll find articles, links to other websites and some videos to help out if you decide to build your own Godzilla costume, or any other type of monster costume.


Sketch of kid building Kaiju

So Ya Wanna Be A Kaiju?

by Dawn McKechnie
(G-Fan Fall 2002)

7 Foot Monster

7 Foot Monster Costume

by Nathan Sellers
Instructables Website

Hedorah Costume in Black and White

Master Monster Maker

by James Babbo
(G-Fan Spring 2009)

forums & more

The RFP – Replica Prop Forum
Collaborate, create, and collect at the internet’s largest community dedicated to props, costumes and models.

The 405th Infantry Division
We Build Your Character | Home of the 405th Infantry Division, 405th Source News, and Forums | Learn to Build Master Chief armor, the Arbiter, Cortana, ODST armor, Recon armor, Hayabusa armor, Marine armor, and more!
Discuss and build your own Boba Fett costume or Jango Fett costume using our tutorials and community of Star Wars costume aficionados.

The League of Heroes
The Original Comics/Sci Fi/Pop Culture Fan Costuming Resource! All about costuming, plain and simple. A fan based family oriented forum, dealing with Superhero/Sci-Fi/Horror costuming and props, both fan made customs, and screen-used, or screen accurate.